About tumbled river stone
Beautiful New Zealand Eastern Greywacke
Unless otherwise requested, I use our naturally occurring tumbled river stone for all my creations.
Tumbled river stone is smooth and soothing to the touch. It varies in colour from dark to light grey, blue-grey, light tan and an occasional red-copper hue.
Some stones may appear with stripey patterns, mottling or striations, or have naturally occurring pits and fissures. All of which adds to the personality and history of the stone.
Whilst I take every care to select the best looking and most appropriate stones for my clients, some imperfections may occur or are only uncovered during the engraving process.
Other stone types
Subject to request and availability, other stone types such as South Island beach flat schist, bricks, granites or recycled engineered stone tiles may become available. If you prefer these options, please inquire before placing an order, as there are colour and engraving limitations due to the nature of the stone types.
Why stone?
Stone is beautiful, humble, durable, lasting.
Formed and shaped over millions of years, stone is the witness to our existence; it holds the mana and memory of all living things.
Stone was here yesterday. Stone is here today. Stone will be here tomorrow.
To me, stone is the perfect natural medium to work with, especially for memorials, because it will endure long after we've gone. Saying it in stone, says it forever. Our memories and life stories are held safe with stone. It has a history and a memory of it's own, even before we add to it.
My memorial stones are intended to be kept with you at home where your memories are - a more warm, personal and intimate setting where you can feel close to the pets and loved ones you treasure.
There are many ways you can honour your pets and loved ones, and keep their memory close. It is important to choose a keepsake that feels right and is personal to you. Often, a combination is a good choice to guard against loss, damage or natural disasters.
Blends with any garden, home or environment
A New Zealand stone for New Zealand homes. Perfectly suited, the shapes, textures, patterns and colours are understated yet elegant, naturally blending with our landscape and interiors.
Of significance to tangata whenua, it is stone identifying with and originating from Aotearoa mountains and waterways.
Hand carved, unique and one of a kind
Just like us and our pets, stone is utterly unique with no two stones the same. Being engraved by hand (not by laser or automated machine) each engraving is unique as well. Your pets and loved ones deserve a memorial as special as they were.
Support a local small Kiwi business
Wouldn't you rather support a local New Zealand business than send your dollars overseas?
More durable than other keepsake options
Jewellery can break, tarnish and be lost; photos and paintings can fade, tear and burn; wood can discolour, decay, split and burn; metals can dent, discolour and rust; ash composites will disintegrate; resins can eventually turn yellow;
If intentionally harmed it could chip or crack, but stone endures.
Mobile and easily transportable
Unlike cemetery tributes and headstones, my stones and memorials are light enough to carry, meaning you can take your memories with you should you move house, city or even the country. You can also post stones to family and whānau who are unable to attend funerals, unveilings and special events.
A hidden warmth not found in other keepsakes
There is an extra hidden level with stone. Because it absorbs temperature, it will warm with the sun or your touch. That natural transfer of warmth gives the stone life, bringing comfort and solace.
A truly lasting legacy of your love, stone survives
How better to remember, than a memorial that will outlive all of us.
It might need a paint retouch afterwards but engraved stone will survive fire, frost, flood, earthquake, falls and the elements, keeping your memories safe and sound for generations.
When it's bespoke, there's just more love all round
Genuine pride, love, care and effort in every step of the process. From hand selecting each stone specific to every client, to creating personalised designs, engraving, painting and gift wrapping. No cold production line here!
Sustainably sourced, environmentally friendly
Stone is non toxic and natural. No nano-plastics, residues or other damage or pollution to our environment. It is naturally dislodged and tumbled via it's travels through our mountain and river systems.